Our 2021-22 advocacy agenda prioritizes COVID-19 Relief and Recovery for Out of School Time Providers by:
Increasing Funding for Out of School Time Providers (Federal/State/Local)
Advocate for increased federal budget allocation for 21st Century Learning Center Funding Streams and other federal funding streams (Federal)
Advocate for increased NYS budget allocation for Empire and Advantage Funding Streams (State)
Advocate for increased budget allocation for local funding streams.
Secure COVID-19 relief dollars for increased funding for out of school time in our region (State/Federal/Local)
Demanding Fair wages for OST Staff (State Action): Support recruitment and retention of staff to create and offer high quality programs to secure healthy relationships with students and families.
Raising the per student rate for Advantage, Empire and 21st century OST funding streams
Minimum living wage (at least $15 per/hour) (State)
Recruiting staff
Widen the platforms used to recruit staff.
Removing/Improving Regulatory Barriers for OST Providers (State Action)
Improve OCFS contract approval systems to ensure providers get paid for services in a timely fashion (state)
Research and identify opportunity with OCFS/NYSED/DOH/Justice to unify fingerprinting processes
Pursue regulatory reform at the state level (OCFS, NYSED) to improve quality programming and remove duplicated processes for OST providers. This includes: requirements on space, volunteers and others as they arise.
Review NYS statute on fingerprinting and background checks to determine whether it is NYS statute that does not allow the fingerprint and background checks to follow the person to their next job; if so advocate for change in law.
Advocate for legal review of federal TANF funds for accurate interpretation of use of program funds vs administrative funds to address lack of alignment of NYS departments of government.